is a website that was launched during World Youth Day that helps you pray for the monthly intentions of the Pope by signing up for only a 5 minute block of prayer time.  By making this a worldwide function it allows for a large group of faithful from the four corners of the globe to pray for the Pope’s intentions around the clock.  The great part is that you can also setup email or text alerts to help remind you of your 5 minute prayer time.

Want to help spread the word?  The site helps you to inspire others to prayer through integration with Facebook and Twitter along with a very interesting medallion program.  By buying a medallion that talks of the site and joining in prayer for the Pope, a medallion can be passed along between many people while also being able to track the medallion via the website to see where all it has gone during its journey.

The site (PWP) is project of DeSales Media Corporation of the Diocese of Brooklyn, New York.  Their stated purpose for the site:

Our goal at PWP is to connect Catholics worldwide, by organizing them in a perpetual, global chain of unbroken prayer with Pope Francis and for his prayer intentions.

Check out the site today and always remember the Pope and his intentions in your prayers!

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