A new website was recently launched in a joint venture between the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America to provide a resource to help families stay safe online (FaithandSafety.org). The initiative was funded by a grant from the Catholic Communication Campaign, which receives donations from U.S. Catholics.
I know as a parent of young children that this site contains great information that all parents are looking for as they try to discern how best to allow their children to safely use the internet, mobile devices, and other technologies.
Associated social media sites were also launched with the website and can be found at http://twitter.com/faithandsafety and http://facebook.com/faithandsafety.
Synopsis from the USCCB:
Website is unique religious/nonprofit partnership
Provides resources to help stay safe online, build faith
Guides parents and children with Internet, mobile devices, other technology
FaithandSafety.org will feature content by Common Sense Media (www.commonsensemedia.org), an independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids and families thrive in a world of media and technology.